Health, safety and environment is the key factor for JGC Vietnam Co., Ltd., to promote the wellness of both employees and employers, includes stakeholders. It is a commitment and moral responsibility of JGC Vietnam Co., Ltd., to look after the employee’s protection and strong-minded to eliminate or abate any environmentally adverse effects of corporate operations. JGC Vietnam Co., Ltd., is part of taking care of our planet and preserve its beauty, resources and strength for future generations.

These days, workplace health and safety measures are important for the well-being because human loss is immeasurable and intolerable. As, such loss or injuries can employ major loss to the families as well.

Indeed, safety is the responsibility of every person who works for the company to take reasonable care for the safety of himself and other human beings and the surroundings which may be affected by his acts. The important thing to remember is that any working place is a potentially dangerous place; thus, safe attitude is essential to help and to guard against complacency and create a productive working environment.

Related: Basic HSSE Guidelines